Pioneering global
Solar energy

Energy Solutions


In the recent years Renewable energy has turned conventional, responsible for the most of the novel capacity additions all over the World. As a result of growing customer demand and quickly decreasing costs, solar photovoltaics (PV) has been seen as a smart and cost-effective substitute to fossil fuels. Daily, new load-serving units are moving to this fresh, carbon-free energy substitute, which is seen as the supreme judicious economic option. Solar power assists services, cities and co-ops to fulfill their sustainability objectives by the means of the facility of fresh, safe and inexpensive energy. Due to it being a growing resource with negligible operating expenditure, solar is a useful key to load servers’ resource portfolios as well as rate stabilization requirements. The demand of the end-consumer for renewable energy has never been greater, besides huge energy consumers are looking for their local providers to get accessibility to solar options. Numerous utilities are retorting to this request by joining with solar developers to provide enthralling solutions; the ones that don’t risk being left as large customers, pursue other options independently.

OptimauxEnergy is distinctively placed to be a full-service, long-term solar partner. We wish to make, sponsor, possess as well as run solar PV projects, and we get into long-term power purchase agreements (PPA) with the buyer. Our contributions can certainly be personalized according to any municipality, utility, or electric cooperative.

OptimauxEnergy carries out all characteristics of project development, funding and creation, plus keeps all operational duty to increase power production all through the lifetime of the project. Providing to the prerequisites and complexity of our load serving and corporate clienteles, OptimauxEnergy has made other energy overtake structures to simply allow attaining and reduce transactional load.


Why OptimauxEnegy

  • No up-front capital charges
  • No price uncertainty about future
  • No disturbance or operational risk
  • No transaction lassitude
  • Fulfil the demands of the customer and move towards economic growth